FINEST : Jurnal Riset dan Pengembangan Ekonomi Islam
FINEST : Jurnal Riset dan Pengembangan Ekonomi Islam
ALBISTA : Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat
ALBISTA: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat is a high-quality open peer-review dedication journal established for the dissemination of cutting-edge science in the field of community service programme. This journal is published twice a year (August and February) by the Institute for Research and Community Service of the Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam Hubbulwatthan Duri-Indonesia. This journal is intended to be a journal for publishing original articles on the latest issues and trends of any fields for buliding civil society. All manuscripts submitted will initially be reviewed by an editor and then evaluated by a minimum of two reviewers through a double-blind review process. This is to ensure the quality of the manuscripts published in the journal.
Jolly Journal of English Education
Jolly Journal of English Education (JJEE) is a high-quality open peer-review research journal established for the dissemination of cutting-edge science in the field of English education, Testing, and Evaluation in Language Learning, Linguistics, Translation and Interpretation, Language and Culture, and Literature. This journal is published twice a year (June and December) by the Institute for Research and Community Service of the Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam Hubbulwatthan Duri-Indonesia. This journal is intended to be a journal for publishing original articles on the latest issues and trends of the English education curriculum, learning, policies, and teacher preparation to advance knowledge of English education theory and practice. All manuscripts submitted will initially be reviewed by an editor and then evaluated by a minimum of two reviewers through a double-blind review process. This is to ensure the quality of the manuscripts published in the journal.
El-Darisa: Jurnal Pendidikan Islam
El-Darisa: Jurnal Pendidikan Islam is a high-quality open peer-review research journal established for the dissemination of cutting-edge science in the field of Islamic basic education. This journal is published twice a year (August and February) by the Institute for Research and Community Service of the Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam Hubbulwatthan Duri-Indonesia. This journal is intended to be a journal for publishing original articles on the latest issues and trends of the Islamic basic education curriculum, learning, policies, and teacher preparation to advance knowledge of Islamic basic education theory and practice. All manuscripts submitted will initially be reviewed by an editor and then evaluated by a minimum of two reviewers through a double-blind review process. This is to ensure the quality of the manuscripts published in the journal.
AL-QOLAM : Jurnal Dakwah dan Pemberdayaan masyarakat
AL-QOLAM : Jurnal Dakwah dan Pemberdayaan masyarakat